Just a couple of weeks ago we attended the Rhythm Expression Sessions surfing contest in Tinos island with team riders and friends.
Everyone was there to express themselves so did we..
Take a look..
Here's Italo getting ready to "express himself' for this event.

Lovely girls taking shots and filming..

"Dude" the dog, following the rides of his "father".

Italo showing off his moves at the shorebreak..

Radical cutbacks and shit.. This guy rips!

Party wave for the Cohete Team Riders.. Effie & Italo.

Italo goes mad on anything..

Effie holding her favourite Satori longboard after a fun session.

That's what we meant by fun session.

And the fun goes on..

J.T after staring for too long decides to go for a quick ride..

Hatzo trying out "The Tank"..

An overall fun surfing "contest" for all types of riders. From amateurs to pros. The waves were small but playful. It was all about expression..
See you next time. Till then make sure you keep expressing yourself.